Author: Alex Klimchenko

Alex Klimchenko has been closely working with lab-grown diamonds for nearly a decade and has witnessed every step in all the details, from their creation in labs to the retail process. As a regular participant in jewelry shows and LaBrilliante sales expert, he carefully studied each level of the jewelry industry. So when the opportunity came to merge his two passions, the diamond market and journalism, he couldn't resist. Being an ex-writer for several entertainment magazines, Alex now writes in the LaBrilliante blog on a regular basis and is eager to share his insights and opinions about the industry with every LaBrilliante customer.

Diamants de type IIa

Découvrez comment acheter les meilleurs diamants de laboratoire certifiés de type 2a. Les FAQ de LaBrilliante vous aideront à découvrir les avantages uniques des diamants synthétiques sans traces d'azote.

Diamanti HPHT

Il processo HPHT (Alta Pressione Alta Temperatura) ricrea la formazione dei diamanti sotto la crosta terrestre. Scoprirai come vengono coltivati i diamanti HPHT e come scegliere il miglior diamante sintetico HPHT con la guida educativa di LaBrilliante.


Der HPHT (Hochdruck-Hochtemperatur) Prozess reproduziert die Bildung von Diamanten unter der Erdkruste. Sie werden erfahren, wie HPHT-Diamanten gezüchtet werden und wie Sie den besten HPHT laborgewachsenen Diamanten mit dem Bildungsführer von LaBrilliante auswählen können.